About Me

About Me

Bharati Hegde

Welcome to my world of artistry and expression. I am Bharati Hegde, a multi-faceted artist driven by an unwavering passion for Bharatanatyam, the divine dance form that has been my lifelong pursuit. Under the tutelage of revered Gurus, I have honed my skills, allowing me to blossom into a renowned dancer and creative choreographer.

My journey in the realm of Bharatanatyam has been an enchanting one, marked by countless mesmerizing performances that have captivated audiences around the world. With each graceful movement and intricate footwork, I strive to evoke profound emotions and transport spectators into a realm of transcendent beauty.

Beyond my mastery of Bharatanatyam, I am also a certified Yoga trainer, having delved deep into the transformative practice of various yoga forms. The union of dance and yoga has enriched my artistry, allowing me to infuse my performances with a holistic approach that nourishes the mind, body, and soul.

Education has been a cornerstone of my personal and professional growth. Alongside my artistic pursuits, I hold a master’s degree in Social Work, which has equipped me with valuable insights into community development and social empowerment. I believe in utilizing the power of art to make a positive impact on society, and I actively engage in initiatives that promote inclusivity and foster cultural enrichment.

In 2017, I founded NavaBharati, an institute that serves as a creative haven for aspiring dancers and yoga practitioners. At NavaBharati, I nurture young talent, providing them with a supportive and enriching environment to explore the depths of their artistic abilities. Through comprehensive training programs, workshops, and performances, I aim to ignite a lifelong love for dance, yoga, and artistic expression.

Join me on this transformative journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration. Let us together unlock the true potential within, celebrating the beauty of dance, the serenity of yoga, and the boundless expression of art. Together, let us embark on a path of personal growth, cultural preservation, and artistic excellence.

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